June 19th:
Two tiny coonies were brought by a 9 year old girl and her mother. They have had the little ones for "a week or so". A little male 16 ounces and a little female 12 ounces. They were given to the little girl on Father's Day by relatives taking a second female 'back home' with them, over 100 miles. Nobody knew what the infants were being fed and they had simply cried and crawled around non-stop. They are approximately 3 weeks or less [eyes just opening]. They are experiencing toxic shock symptoms from not being stimulated to eliminate for so long. They acted like babies born to a crack addicted mother.

June 20th:
Was given contact information to check on the third sibling. These two weren't well and toxic shock was apparent. Contact of the in-laws resulted in my driving to pick up the third sibling. She was placed into the carrier with her siblings, put one of each of her front arms around each sibling and they all became quiet and slept.

June 21st:: All three crack babies are in a comatose state. It will be hard to clean their little systems out and keep them the right temperatures so they can come out of this coma.