Please be aware that this time of year you will find juvie coonies out and about exploring without mother. Mother is nocturnal and the little ones are not. Raccoons are not nocturnal until they are about 11 months old. If you find a kit, or several huddling together and hiding, or coming up to you out of curiosity, do not think they need help. Please do not feed them. This time of year they are beginning to explore their world while mother sleeps nearby. It is also the time for mother to move to a new den, so some may just be waiting for her to come back, she can only carry one at a time. I have gotten at least a dozen emails today alone [June 12, 2008] about finding what humans think are orphans that need help. Just because you see them without mother doesn't mean they need help. If they are acting hungry and screaming, or are very thin and weak, they may need help. But it is best if you just leave the active ones alone so mother can do her job.
Thank you for caring about our little ones and kindly help their little families to stay together by leaving them alone. Mother will search for them for a week to ten days frantically. Other mother raccoons also adopt orphaned kits, so please, let the coonies raise them, they do much better than humans can do. Check back in a day or two if you are worried about them, but just leave them be. DO NOT put food down for them either. This often attracts predators and can cause harm to the little ones.
Due to the large volume of emails I am receiving about these young ones, I am unable to answer all the emails for help. There are
over 400 rehabbers available in most of the states and Canada to help you. Be advised that it is illegal in
some state and provinces to rehab raccoons. Each individual state and province has different laws regulating raccoon rehabilitation.
Thank you for caring about our wildlife!! |
The Orphans May 2005 |
Help for sick, injured, orphaned or problem raccoons, by those licensed and permitted in their care.
FOUND A RACCOON?? First put on heavy leather gloves to protect yourself in case the animal decides to bite you because it's scared or sick!! Even a very small baby can and will bite!! Please cage it in a kennel (or any ventilated secure container), and place it in a warm, dark place while seeking help. NEVER FEED an orphan milk or formula of any sort, they need at least 24 hours on clear rehydration fluids (pedialyte). Feeding too quickly or inappropriately can cause illness and death. THIS IS THE PLACE TO SEEK ASSISTANCE WITH AN ORPHAN RACCOON KIT, let us know your state, and the circumstances that led to the infant(s) needing rescuing.
The original "RR6 - The Raccoon Rehabilitation Network" was concieved as a forum for licensed raccoon rehabilitators, the link below is our sister group, open to the public. This group allows our professional raccoon rehabilitators to offer their insight, assistance and friendship to everyone - and provides a forum for the discussion of the 'lighter' side of wildlife rehab, without the restrictions found on the professional group.
Our goals in wildlife rehabilitation: Rescue, Raising, Release, Regimes, Research, and Referrals. We do not encourage the keeping of Wildlife as pets.
DO NOT touch or handle wild raccoons!! These photos are a Licensed Rehabber with knowledge and experience in the handling of raccoons. Those without this knowledge are exposing themselves to diseases and other problems not known to the general public. If you find a raccoon that needs to be touched, protect yourself with heavy leather gloves if it is an emergency situation, otherwise call your local rehabilitator, Vet, or Wildlife Professional to do any handling of the animal!! If you get bit - even by a tiny raccoon, or get saliva in even a scratch, the raccoon will be destroyed to test for rabies and you will have to undergo a serious of painful shots!!
Orphans June 2005 |
 Dory and the Orphans June 2005 |
 Little Mini August 2005 |
 Dory and the Orphans October 2005 |
 No longer a baby Orphan Spring 2006 |
Watch the YouTube video
of Dory & the Orphans from babies to release 'singing' Alvin and the
Chipmunks Christmas song {allow several minutes to load}
Found a baby raccoon? Need help? Click Here to Contact me.
The group found at the The Northwoods Wildlife Orphanage is dedicated to educating the world about raccoons {as well as all Wildlife} so that their place in our world is both understood and valued. We have many members who specialize in the care of sick, injured, orphaned and unwanted raccoons {as well as all Wildlife species - ask if you need other assistance also}. The link is coon central, so ask away with any raccoon related questions {or any Wildlife}.
How Old Is It? And what is involved in raising an orphaned Raccoon?
Raccoon Facts
Found a baby bird? What do I do?
View pdf directions in new window
Found a fawn or injured deer? What do I do?
Found a baby bunny? What do I do?
Found a mammal you think needs help? What do I do?
| Found a wild bird? What do I do?
Does a Raccoon make a good pet? Stories from those who have tried to tame a raccoon. |
Wildlife Facts Information on various Wildlife. |
Baylisascaris Roundworm in raccoons What is it? |
Emergency Care while
finding a rehabber What Do I Do!?!
{.pdf file} |
1. Neither mammal or bird parents will
reject their baby solely because it was touched by humans. THEY DO NOT CARE
ABOUT HUMAN SCENT. I have, personally, returned baby birds, baby bunnies,
baby raccoons, and fawns with absolutely no problems.
Many wild animals are susceptible to domestic animal diseases. If you insist
on allowing your pets to run free, please protect them and our wildlife by
making sure they get their annual vaccinations. This will not only protect
you from unnecessary vet bills but will spare our wildlife from the ravages
of domestic animal diseases.
3. DO NOT EVER feed or give water to any wild creature, period. Creatures in
trouble are often severely dehydrated and cannot process fluids given
orally, let alone food. In fact, providing food or water to a critical
creature may be the final stress that kills them. Seek help from one of the
sources on this website, or a vet. Always err on the side of caution, doing
nothing is almost always better than trying to do something, once the
creature is in a secure, dark, warm environment, contact a local rehabber.
If you can't find one, we can help locate one in your area. |
Wildlife Rehabbers receive NO monetary compensation for their efforts from the DNR, BLM
or any Federal or State Agencies. Expenses are all paid out of their own
pocket. This includes medication, vet bills, X-rays, cages, housing, formula,
food, release cages, intensive care facilities, time, trips to rescue
critters, long distance phone charges to contact people that have found
Wildlife, and anything necessary to help our Wildlife. If you'd care to donate
any amount to help this cause please send to:
Dory & the Orphans Wildlife Orphanage Corp - 133 Victor Street - Coleman WI 54112
Thank you for your support helping Your Native Wildlife!!
If you just want to send a donation of even fifty cents to help:
The July 5, 2008 Kelly Lake Sportsman's Club
Fund Raiser was quite
successful. Thank you to the Kelly Lake Sportsman's Club for your generous
Many thanks to Lorinne Anderson, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada for information and text used in the content of this web page. |
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